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10+ Things You Need to Consider When Starting a Business

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10 Workforce Analytics for a Small Business

Reading time: 10 mins Workforce Analytics & Small Business Approaching your workforce as numbers and transactions is something that many new business owners are not comfortable with, myself included. No matter how robotic and heartless this is portrayed in movies, owners who take advantage of analysis through metrics create better working environments and, if leaders are good decision makers, it can increase employee satisfaction that can reduce employee turnovers. By all means, treat your employees as people. Lead your people. And leading people right means taking necessary and appropriate decisions. Business development is a continuous process. With data, businesses can keep up with the everyday challenges of businesses. Development and improvement rely on benchmarks, and what better way to monitor progress with data. It is difficult to improve on what you can't measure. The Importance of Human Resource Analytics While workforce analytics has been around for ...

Business Intelligence 101: How can data save your business from closing?

In business, making decisions require something more than intuitions. People in decision-making positions need confidence. Making data-driven decisions will not eliminate risk, but being informed increases confidence and reduces guess-work. Data helps businesses gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. These can range from understanding market conditions to improving business systems and operations. These improvements in business systems include things such as improvement in employee retention rate, and better inventory management, to name a few. With the advantages data brings to the business table, it has become a business asset in the modern world. Because if this, it can mean the difference between success and failure. Although data analysis is mostly done by companies who have the additional resources, our technological advances make data analysis available to smaller companies. Capturing data and data analysis is affordable that it can be done on a free cloud-b...

Working Relationships: Other than quitting, what would you do with a mentally inferior boss who micromanages you?

Original Post at: I understand that question has been answered a lot of times, but I wanted to share points of view from a boss's perspective. I worked at a job where my boss was micromanaging. It was a bad experience but it wasn't as bad as other micromanagers. Long story short, I quit that job. I became my own boss and decided to put up a company.

Startup Questions: How can I start a business if I am not experienced?

Original question: Updated: 7/25/2018 Start small and dream big. Starting big was my biggest mistake. If I started with a small business, I could've used the money on starting a new business when the first one failed. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret making that mistake. I learned a lot. The learning curve was steep, and I was pressured to learn as quickly as I could.

Startup Questions: What are the best businesses to start with a $35000 budget?

Original question and link to my response: Updated 7/25/2018 It’s not a really good question to be asking. Although financial budgets are important in business it is just a piece of the bigger picture. The world is filled with business ideas, but only a few can build businesses from those ideas. I’ve worked on businesses with partners that failed before it even started.

Three Things You Should Know About KPI

A friend of mine recently asked for help with creating an operational Key Performance Indicators  (KPIs) dashboard for his boss. It's for a business process where his boss wants to know whether or not that process is running smoothly. The difference between small business owners and big business owners is how they run the business. Small business owners are part of the system by being a part of the daily operations. Big business owners and corporate leaders, on the other hand, rely on business intelligence (BI) so they hire people to do the work and manage and decide through KPI using a KPI dashboard.