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Startup Questions: What are the best businesses to start with a $35000 budget?

It’s not a really good question to be asking. Although financial budgets are important in business it is just a piece of the bigger picture. The world is filled with business ideas, but only a few can build businesses from those ideas. I’ve worked on businesses with partners that failed before it even started.
I wouldn’t recommend anyone going into business without first understanding their strengths and weaknesses. People in different industries will tell you that their industry is the best business to be in.
What is your definition of “best business”? Some people will speak with financial security in mind, and some will speak with an investment of high returns in mind. Know what your risk tolerance is, know what you can and can’t do, and know what you want to do.
I worked in both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) businesses. Different industries have their own unique challenges.
That said, I think the best business be in is a business that serves the end user (Business To Consumer - B To C) (B2C) because, at the end of the day, we are all consumers. For someone who has little to no business experience, I suggest starting a food boutique business. Learn the basics of inventory, sales, marketing, accounting, customer service, human relations, business law, and leadership. Then apply what you learned in your food boutique business. The more you know about business basics, the easier it is for you to decide what your business venture should be.
Any legal and ethical business, as long as there is demand for it, is a good business.


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